
Hm, iPhone 4, uhm, I can’t think of anything else. :/

Ask me anything

they don’t let me insert the whole video here, but just go check it out, east to the west is an amazing song! 😀

hey there,

don’t really feel like bloggin here- blogged in rhondatwirlsandswirls but anyway- I HAVE TUMBLR. I’m kind’f excited. I know Im quite late but yeah, I’ve been thinking about it since last year, if it came out last year- ehhhh, I know you’re confused. me either, 🙂

tumblr- http://www.rhondatwirlsandswirls.tumblr.com

i like tumblr, because they have very gorgeous photos. 🙂

love, rhondatan.

Yes, why hello? I haven’t been updating this blog since, I don’t know. Well, main reason is, it takes decades to load, and its really really slow. I just remembered I had this blog, so I logged in, and it was like times 100 times faster than berfore. 🙂

Choir practice, I must say is very tiring and frustrative sometimes, especially when you’re so comfortable in your place and they had to move you. But then everyone’s sacrificing, so why am I complaining here? *smacks forehead* 🙂 okay, so we had practice today, almost the whole day. and ohoh, I got a new lavender coloured eplas bottle, and I love it. Berlinda had good sense of style/taste. 😀

Just recently, I heard this amazing song, called Fall In This Place by Planet Shakers. Please go listen to it, it’s really goood. 🙂

Here I stand, and long for your embrace. Nothing else, could ever take Your Place.

Hello, I’m like, really new here. So, I don’t know where and how you do stuff.

Anyway, went to church today, singing competition. Didn’t win, but I don’t mind. As long as I enjoyed it. Honestly speaking, I didn’t. *hint* heeeeeeeh.


I learned not to mind what others say about me, I learned not to be proud, I learned not to overestimate myself and underestimate others (this is, in a good way), I learned not to be jealous of others because what I have others may not have, I learned to be humble and acknowledge that everything I have is from God, I learned that I shouldn’t make a big deal out of what people say because some people hurt you because they don’t really know you, I learned to be cheerful always, I learned that I should always smile so that I won’t make others feel bad, I learned that I should really be happy when I smile.


Okay, I shall stop the I learned, statements here.

The reason I did not put any smileys on top there, is because I don’t want my post to look weird w all the smiley faces popping out. I’m very happy now though.


Okay, actually it’s today’s a new start; but then ’cause tomorrow is 1st of April so yeah. 😀
This is kindah like a March ’10 resolution for me. 🙂
Im new here, so I don’t actually know how you do stuff here. Okay, anyway, I felt like getting a new blog so I got wordpress. Mmmhmph, looks new to me.

I would now stop blabbing about what beginners blab. 🙂

Monthly test is over now, and I’m seriously overjoyed. 🙂 I mean like, all the stress is gone. 🙂 anddd, yeah we don’t study a lot now?

Okay, nervous much.
I need to see how this post like, so BYE! 😀

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